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The Story of Tango

Our aim with these pages is to provide you with all the information you are looking for about Tango Music and Dance. A lot of information is contained on our Music pages. (Click here to see the alphabetical list of orchestras.) As time goes by we hope to build these pages into a practical on-line encyclopaedia of Tango.

For a brief introduction to the History of Tango, concentrating on the history of recorded music, please click here. This page will help put the development of Tango into its historical context. Or get a more complete Story of Tango Music.

For a more extended history, concentrating on the history of the dance, but with a useful introduction to the history of the music as well, we recommend The Meaning of Tango, a really useful and enjoyable book which we think is a great read. Or learn how Tango was danced at the height of Tangomania, in the years immediatelly before the First World War.

A question people often ask is "What are Milonga and Vals, and how do they fit together with Tango?" For an answer to that question, please click here.

And for anyone wondering what the terms dos por cuatro or canyengue mean as they are used by musicologists in Buenos Aires, here's an article on the first revolution in recorded Tango music.

Do you have any questions about the history of Tango that you would like answered? We can't pretend to know everything - no one can know everything there is to know about Tango! - but we'll do our best to answer all your questions. Contact us and we'll try to get straight back to you.

Coming Soon
We're about to launch our new Tango Music download service. To be first to know, please use the form below to join our mailing list:


The Meaning of Tango
The story of the dance, and a fascinating insight into the meaning of Tango in its birthplace, Buenos Aires
Click here to learn more
Secrets of the Early Tango
How was Tango really danced at the time when the whole world went Tango Crazy?
Click here to learn more

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