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orchestras : gobbi

Alfredo Gobbi's parents had a close working relationship with Angel Villoldo, and went with him to Paris, where Gobbi junior was born in 1912. They returned to Buenos Aires when he was six months old. By the time he reached his teens he was already playing his violin professionally. He played with and was admired by many of the greatest Tango musicians, and founded his own orchestra in 1942, although it never achieved the success that many people feel it deserved. The style is influenced by Pugliese and Laurenz, with a powerful yet flexible beat that never masks the sense of melody.
orchestras : gobbi

The Meaning of Tango
The story of the dance, and a fascinating insight into the meaning of Tango in its birthplace, Buenos Aires
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Secrets of the Early Tango
How was Tango really danced at the time when the whole world went Tango Crazy?
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