totaltango - pure passion
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| orchestras : pugliese
| | | Pugliese
| | Osvaldo Pugliese's orchestra in the 1940s and 1950s combined innovation and dancability in a unique way. It was one of the most important orchestras of the later part of the Golden Age. Pugliese's best known composition is La Yumba (the 'y' pronounced as the 'j' in the French 'je'), onomatopoeically named after the characteristic sound of the orchestra.
| | Ausencia This CD was released shortly after the maestro passed away in 1995, as a mark of respeect.Farol, Mala Junta, Recuerdo, Rondando tu Esquina, Fuimos, La Yumba, Puente Alsina, Pasional, Chique, San Jose de Flores, Desvelo, Emancipacion, Antiguo Reloj de Cobre, Cascabelito, Remembranzas, Nochero Soy, La Mariposa, La Beba, Arrabal, Desde el Alma (V)
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| | Colección A splendid selection of classic recordings. Vocals are by Alberto Morán (1), Jorge Marcial (1), Miguel Montero (1) and Roberto Chanel (1).La Mariposa, El Andriego, El Abrojito (Moran), Negracha, El Panuelito (Maciel), Parlamento, La Yumba, Recuerdo, Tinta Roja, Fuimos (Chanel), La Bordona, Por Una Muneca (Montero), Ojos Negros, Zum
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| | Instrumentales Inolvidables - Pugliese A good collection of really danceable instrumentals recorded between 1943 and 1946. El Rodeo (1943), Mala Junta (1943), Recuerdo (1944), El Remate (1944), Tierra Querida (1944), El Arranque (1944), Adios Bardi (1944), Amurado (1944), Mala Estampa - Mala Pinta (1944), Raza Criolla - El Taita (1945), El Paladin (1945), Derecho Viejo (1945), Pelele (1945), El Monito (1945), Flor De Tango (1945), Las Marionetas (1945), Tiny (1945), El Tabano (1946), Mal De Amores (1946), La Yumba (1946)
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| | Instrumentales Inolvidables vol 2 More classic Pugliese instrumentals.La Beba, Buen Amigo, Nochero Soy, Suipacha, A Mis Companeros, Entrador, Para Dos, Olivero, Don Atilio, El Tobiano, Don Aniceto, De Floreo, Catuzo, Bien Compadre, Malandraca, Chuzas, Negracha, Boedo, Patetico, N.N./font>
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| | Instrumentales Inolvidables vol 3 More for the Pugliese fan!Gallo Ciego, Yunta De Oro, Quejumbroso, Mato y Voy, Pata Ancha, A Roberto Peppe, Marron y Azul, La Rayuela, Seguime Si Podes, El Embrollo, El Refran, Bien Milonga, Pastoral, Canaro En Paris, Pinta Brava, Punto y Coma, Entrada Prohibida, El Buscapie, Jueves, Vayan Saliendo
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| | Sus Exitos con Alberto Morán A sumptuous CD of Pugliese recordings from the 1940s and early 1950s, packed full of hits.El Abrojito (1945), Yuyo Verde (1945), Principe (1946), No Me Escribas (1947), Sin Palabras (1947), Maleza (1945), Ilusion Marina (Vals 1947), Mentira (1945), Demasiado Tarde (1946), Una Vez (1946), Pasional (1951), Descorazonado (1949), Barro (1951), Cadenas (1950), Frente a Una Copa (1949), San Jose De Flores (1953), Y Volvemos a Querenos (1949), Cobardia (1950), Cualquier Cosa (1952), Desvelvo (1953)
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| | Sus Exitos con Roberto Chanel Another sumptuous CD of Pugliese recordings from the 1940s and early 1950s, packed full of even more hits.Yo Te Bendigo (1947), Fuimos (1946), Rondando Tu Esquina (1945), La Abandone y No Sabia (1944), Corrientes y Esmeralda (1944), Puentecito De Mi Rio (1944), Farol (1943), Muchachos Comienza La Ronda (1943), Nada Mas Que Un Corazon (1944), Gallegita (1945), Sin Lagrimas (1946), Tu Casa Ya No Esta (1944), Tiempo (1946), Ojos Maulas (1947), Amiga (1947), Consejo De Oro (1946), Que Bien Te Queda! (1943), El Tango Es Una Historia (1944), Escuchame Manon (1947), Cabecitas Blancas (1947)
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