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orchestras : troilo

In polls taken in Buenos Aires, Anibal Troilo's orchestra is consistently voted the most popular of all time. Troilo was a tremendously gifted bandoneonista, who was both rooted in Tango tradition and interested in innovation.

El Inmortal "Pichuco"
This is a fantastic cd of recordings made in 1941. The vocals are by the wonderful Francisco Fiorentino (14), and some of the arrangements are by a very young Astor Piazzolla.

Yo Soy El Tango, Toda Mi Vida, Cachirulo, Te Aconsejo Que Me Dejes, Tabernero, Pajaro Ciego, El Bulin De La Calle Ayacucho, Milongeando En El Cuarenta, Guapeando, Una Carta, En Esta Tarde Gris, Cordon De Oro, Total Pa' Que Sirvo, El Cuartedor, Maragata, Cautivo, Tinta Roja, Ne Le Digas Que La Quiero

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Instrumental 1941-44
Troilo's orchestra in this period was producing fabulous dance music, as this cd of instrumentals demonstrates.

Cachirulo, Milongueando En El Quarenta, Guapeando, Cordon De Oro, El Tamango. C.T.V., Un Placer (V), La Tablada, La Maleva, El Chupete, De Pura Cepa (M), Inspiracion, El Distinguido Ciudadano, Pablo, La Cumparsita, El Elegante - Chique, Bien Porteno, Piropos, El Entrerriano, Quejas De Bandoneon

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orchestras : troilo

The Meaning of Tango
The story of the dance, and a fascinating insight into the meaning of Tango in its birthplace, Buenos Aires
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Secrets of the Early Tango
How was Tango really danced at the time when the whole world went Tango Crazy?
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