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orchestras : tanturi

Pianist Ricardo Tanturi formed his first sextet (Los Indios) in 1933. A fine dance orchestra, it's greatest successes were linked with its best know singers, Alberto Castillo and Enrique Campos.

El Tango es el Tango
Alberto Castillo sang with Tanturi from 1939 until he left to pursue his film career in 1944. A qualified gynaecologist, he gave up medicine to sing Tango, and became one of the most popular characters in Buenos Aires, with his emphatic vocal style and large personality. Castillo (20).

Asi Se Baila El Tango, Moneda De Cobre, Muneca Brava, Esta Noche Me Emboracho, Como Se Pianta La Vida, La Ultima Copa, Cancion De Rango - Pa' Que Se Callen, A Otra Cosa Che Pebeta, El Tango Es El Tango, Madame Ivonne, Al Compas Del Tango, Que Podran Decir, Cuatro Compases, La Copa Del Olvido, Recuardo Malevo, Bailongo De Los Domingos, Ya Sale El Tren, Decile Que Vuenlve, Que Me Quiten Lo Bailao, Noches Del Colon

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Una Emoción
When Castillo left Tanturi, some people predicted the end of his success. Tanturi's new star vocalist was Enrique Campos. (It is said that he got the job because he was the only one not to try to impersonate Castillo at the audition). Campos had already had success as a Tango singer in his native Uruguay, and spent five great years with Tanturi. Tanturi's rhythms become more flexible through this period, making it interesting dance music. Campos (20).

Que Nunca Me Falte, Recien, Una Emocion, Palomita Mia, T... Siempre Igual, La Abandone Y No Sabia, Asi Se Canta, Muchachos Comienza La Ronda, Que Bien Te Queda... - Como Has Cambiado, Que Sera De Ti, Prisionero, Sombrerito, Oigo Tu Voz, Malvon, Domingo A La Noche, Igual Que Un Bandoneon, La Urugayita Lucia, Igual Que Una Sombra, Si Se Salva El Pibe, El Sueno Del Pibe

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Another CD packed with hits, with singer Enrique Campos.

Encuentro, Cuatro Lagrimas, Dos Palabras, El Corazon Me Decia, Al Pasar (Vals), De 6 a 7, Cuatro Recuerdos, Ivon, Calor De Hogar, Bien Criolla y Bien Portena (Milonga), En El Salon, Calla Bandoneon, Esta Noche Al Pasar, Jiron De Suburbuio, Me Beso y Se Fue (Vals), Sollozo De Bandoneon, Cantor De Barrio, Seis Dias, Soy Muchacho De Arrabal, Desde Lejos

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orchestras : tanturi

The Meaning of Tango
The story of the dance, and a fascinating insight into the meaning of Tango in its birthplace, Buenos Aires
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Secrets of the Early Tango
How was Tango really danced at the time when the whole world went Tango Crazy?
Click here to learn more

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