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orchestras : salgan

Horacio Salgan's orchestra is considered by some people to be the ultimate evolution of the orquesta típica. Certainly Salgan brought a highly personal and individual style to the tango. A great innovator himself, at the celebration of his eightieth birthday in 1996 at the Academia Nacional del Tango in Buenos Aires, he made it clear that all innovation must be based in a thorough understanding of the tradition. He also expressed his sadness that the younger generation of musicians spoke about "improving" the Tango without having studied in depth the achievements and riches of the past, and his fear that the result would be loss and impoverishment.

Horacio Salgan y su orquesta típica
These recordings made between 1950 and 1954 are not quite dance music, and are stamped with Salgan's individual style, but are also steeped in tango tradition. Vocals Roberto Goyeneche (5), and Angel Díaz (2).

La Clavada, Recuerdo, Mala Junta, Por El Camino (V Goyeneche), Gallo Ciego, Don Augustin Bardi, Siga El Corso (Goyeneche), Tierra Querida, Ojos Negros, Pan (Goyeneche), La Tablada, La Llamo Silbando, Abrazado A Un Rencor (Diaz), Los Mareados, Margarita Gauthier (Goyeneche), Boedo, Del 1 Al 5, Pobre Colombina (Deval), Don Goyo, Alma Corazon Y Vida (V Goyeneche y Diaz), El Marne

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orchestras : salgan

The Meaning of Tango
The story of the dance, and a fascinating insight into the meaning of Tango in its birthplace, Buenos Aires
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Secrets of the Early Tango
How was Tango really danced at the time when the whole world went Tango Crazy?
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