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orchestras : di sarli

Di Sarli
The elegant, slow, stately rhythms of Carlos Di Sarli's orchestra make it one of the iconic orchestras in Buenos Aires, and in the North-West of the city, where the dancing style is also slow, stately and elegant, it is considered by many people to be the best. Di Sarli's own piano provides a subtle but definite structure, crowned by a strong string section, with the bandoneón less prominent.

Di Sarli Instrumental
Packed with classic Di Sarli recordings, the cd shows off his mature slow, elegant style.

A La Gran Muneca, Milonguero Viejo, Organito De La Tarde, Champagne Tango, El Cabure, Comme Il Faut, Tinta Verde, El Pollito, Rodriguez Pena, El Amanecer, El Pollo Ricardo, Mi Refugio, El Once, Ojos Negros, Tierra Negra, Don Juan, Germaine, 9 Puntos, El Ingeniero, La Cumparsita

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Di Sarli Instrumental vol 2
Christine says, "This is my very favourite Di Sarli CD, and one I've used a lot in the dances I've organised. The tracks that really appeal to me are the charming 1940s recordings, that little bit more exuberant than the more stately ones from the 1950s."

This CD has a mixture of 1940s and 1950s recordings, giving it a more varied, lively feel.

El Jaguel, Viviani, El Estagiario, La Cachila, Marejada, Royal Pigall, La Torcacita, Bahia Blanca, El Retirao, El Opio, El Incendio, El Jaguar, Shusheta, Nobleza De Arrabal, Sentimiento Criollo, El Recodo, El Paladin, Y Hasta El Cardo Tiene Flor, La Racha, Vea Vea

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Di Sarli con Rufino: Sus Primeros Exitos vol 1
These recordings from the early 1940s show the influence of Fresedo on Di Sarli's style. (Di Sarli played in Fresedo's orchestra at one time.) The more varied rhythms and lighter mood, coupled with Rufino's intelligent vocals make this a really charming cd.

Tristeza Marina, Verdemar, Manana Zarpa Un Barco, Canta Pajarito, Cosas Olvidadas, Rosamel (V), Charlemos, En Un Beso... La Vida, El Cielo en Tus Ojos, Pena Mulata (M Candombe), Patotero, Cascabelito, Grisetta, Alma Mia (V), Corazon, Necesito Olvidar, Un Dia Llegara (V), Cornetin, Noche de Carnaval, Tarareando

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Di Sarli con Podestá: Sus Primeros Exitos vol 2
Another fine cds, also from the early 1940s, with more fine vocals, this time from Alberto Podestá.
Nido Gaucho, La Capilla Blanca, Nada, Al Compas del Corazon, Va aCantar Un Ruisenor, Otra Noche, Tu!... El Cielo y Tu!, Que Solo Estoy, Cero al As, Alzameen tus Brazos, Volver a Vernos, Sombras del Puerto, Vamos!, Junto a tu Corazon, No Esta, Motivo Sentimental, Dejame, La Cancion MasTriste, Por el Camino, Rosas de Otono

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Di Sarli con Rufino y Podestá: Sus Primeros Exitos vol 3
More tracks from the 1940s with vocals by Rufino and Podestá, including some classic milongas, and three instrumentals.

(Rufino 1-10, Podesta 12-18) A Mi Me Llaman Juan Tango, La Mulateada (Milonga Candombe), Si Tu Quisieras, Los Munequitos, Yo Soy De San Telmo (Milonga), Navegante - Vito Dumas, Todo, Cortando Camino (Vals), Zorzal (Milonga), Rosa Morena (Milonga), Siete Palabras, Soy Aquel Viajero, Entre Pitada y Pitada (Milonga), Lloran Las Campanas, Llueve Otra Vez, Julian Centeya (Milonga), Dinero Dinero, Estampa Federal (Vals), La Trilla, Un Lamento

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orchestras : di sarli

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