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orchestras : demare

Pianist Lucio Demare's orchestra has a smooth, lyrical, enchanting sound. Demare also wrote some fabulous melodies, the most famous of which is "Malena", one of the most beautiful Tango songs ever written.

Demare - sus exitos con Raul Beron Demare - sus exitos con Raul Beron
Raul Beron was one of the great singers of the 1940s. Already famous from his years with Miguel Caló, he found with Lucio Demare another orchestra with the melodic lyricism to match the rich emotion of his voice.

Una Emocion, Y Siempre Igual, Palomita Mia, Ropa Blanca (Milonga Candombe), Tal Vez Sera Su Voz, Dos Palabras Por Favor, Como Se Hace Un Tango, Al Pasar (Vals), Oigo Tu Voz, En Un Rincon, Pena De Amor, Luna (Milonga Candombe), Que Solo Estoy, Moneda De Cobre, Canta Pajarito, No Nos Veremos Mas (Vals), El Pescante, Soy Del 90, La Cosa Fue En Un Boliche, Chatero de Aquel Entonces (Milonga)

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orchestras : demare

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Secrets of the Early Tango
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