| Learn to dance the Tango!
- If you want to learn to dance the Tango
- If you want to know you're doing the real thing
- If you have no convenient Tango class near your home
- If you prefer to learn at your own pace
- If you'd like to be prepared before you go
to your first class
- If you want a reference to help you understand
what you have learned in class
our clear, concise, practical, series of CD ROMs and electronic books, Dancing Tango, was designed with YOU in mind!
As well as clear descriptions in the text, with lots of background information, the book is filled with easy-to-understand animations. You can play them through at dancing speed, or go through movement by movement so that you can see exactly what is happening.
To get an idea of how the animations work, click on PLAY to go through at dancing speed, and Step Forward to go through movement by movement. The shoe represents the foot bearing weight and the hollow footprint represents the free foot.
The realtionship between the two bodies is shown as well. So that the movement of the feet is completely clear, the feet are shown over the bodies (even though, of course, they would really be underneath!) And the text explains what is going on.
And movie clips show real feet doing the steps to make things even clearer.
In Volume 1, Dancing Tango - Unlocking the Mysteries you will learn all the basic movements - more than enough to keep you dancing all night!
Packed into this one electronic book is all the material from two of Christine Denniston's famous, uniquely designed courses - Beginners and Recent Beginners.
And as well as the material from two courses, Christine has added the extra depth and detail you would normally only get from private lessons with an exceptionally gifted teacher - as only she can!
That's two months worth of classes, and more besides, broken down into easy-to-understand pieces.
Devised and created by Christine Denniston, the only European ever to have been invited to teach in some of the most prestigious Tango clubs in Buenos Aires, and
"one of the world's leading exponents of Argentina's national dance" The Evening Standard, Dancing Tango is the next best thing to going to Argentina yourself!
Want to know more about Christine Denniston? Click here.
If you're learning on your own right now, the Dancing Tango series prepares you for the first time you meet other people who dance the Tango. You will already understand how to make every person you dance with want to come back for more. From your first dance you'll be ready to make progress at amazing speed.
If you have someone to dance with, the Dancing Tango series is the ideal tool for learning together, for making everything fit so you can move as one.
The Dancing Tango series concentrates on the thing that makes Tango so special - the unique and intimate connection between two people who are dancing it.
More than just steps, it gives you the spirit and the feel of the dance that is so sensuous that at one time or another it's been banned on almost every continent!
To read more about our philosophy of Tango click here.
Dancing Tango - Unlocking the Mysteries represents amazing value for money. Remember, you get:
- all the material from two of Christine's famous, uniquely designed courses,
- plus the extra depth and detail you would normally only get from private lessons - and only from private lessons with an extraordinary teacher like Christine!
And not only do you get the material to keep, and study at your own pace, you get it at a
of the cost of taking courses and private lessons. Two courses with Christine would set you back GB£130 - that's about US$230 - and each private lesson would be GB£50 - US$90 - so
Dancing Tango - Unlocking the Mysteries is fabulous value for money at just £19.99 to download.
We are so sure that this is the very best beginners' guide to how to dance the Tango available anywhere, we're offering a guaranteed 100% refund to anyone who doesn't agree with us. You just can't lose!