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orchestras : d'arienzo

Juan D'Arienzo's orchestra is without question one of the most successful ever, and even the most determined non-dancer would find themselves tapping their feet along with his irresistible, infectious rhythm. He was a great showman who enjoyed huge success from his first hit in 1935, to the end of his life in 1976

D'Arienzo - Sus Primeros Exitos vol 1
These recordings come from the period of D'Arienzo's first real success, the Biagi years, from 1935 to 1938.

La Cumparsita, Don Juan, Gallo Ciego, Pasion (Vals), Sabado Ingles, El Cabure, Jueves, Milonga Vieja Milonga (Milonga), Re Fa Si, 9 De Julio, La Viruta, Lagrimas y Sonrisas (Vals), El Pollito, Derecho Viejo, Que Noche!, La Punalada (Milonga), El Cachafaz, Rodriguez Pena, Joaquina, Felicia

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D'Arienzo - Sus Primeros Exitos vol 2
More from D'Arienzo's early years.

El Choclo, La Payanca, La Catrera, El Portenito, Desde El Alma (Vals), De Pura Cepa, Comme Il Faut, Maipo, Ataniche, El Esquinazo, El Apronte, La Mariposa, Charamusca, Lelia, Valsecito Criollo (Vals), El Triunfo, Yunta Brava, Pico Blanco, El Cenerro, Mentias (Vals)

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Tangos Para el Mundo
These instrumentals are from the end of D'Arienzo's career. The rhythm remains powerful, but is here slightly slower. As the recordings are mostly from the 1960s, this is one of the few Tango cds to have the benefit of original stereo recordings.

20 Tangos

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Tangos Para el Mundo vol 2
More instrumentals from the later years.

A Media Luz, El Choclo, Derecho Viejo, La Punalada (Milonga), Inspiracion, La Rachel, Ahi Ve El Dulce, Papas Calientes (Milonga), Gran Hotel Victoria, Re Fa, Si, Canaro En Paris, La Tablada, Milonga De Mis Amores (Milonga), Criolla Linda, Germaine, El Estagiario, El Irresistible, Pimienta, La Morocha, La Gran Muneca

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orchestras : d'arienzo

The Meaning of Tango
The story of the dance, and a fascinating insight into the meaning of Tango in its birthplace, Buenos Aires
Click here to learn more
Secrets of the Early Tango
How was Tango really danced at the time when the whole world went Tango Crazy?
Click here to learn more

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